Join us for a 5k run or walk from home.
We know many of you are stuck at home and feeling the stress of events surrounding isolation. Exercise can help boost our mental state as well as our physical health. In the spirit of social distancing (and fun), here is our brand new 5K event.
We are keeping it simple!
Here’s how it works:
Register by Friday, June 5th, and then run anytime on Saturday, June 6th. Sign up and plan to run or walk 3.1 miles on Saturday, June 6th. It does not matter if you run or walk or use a treadmill or bring your dog. This run is meant to be done right in your comfort zone.
After your run, post a picture on social media of yourself after your workout with the #ranforfarmland hashtag, and with @ctfarmland tagged on Facebook or Instagram. You can even just email our outreach staff a photo so we can toot your horn online.
Here are two secrets:
- You don’t have to run near a farm; we just love fun alliteration.
- We won’t tattle if you sign up to provide a donation but skip the run.
Here’s some advice from the New York Times May article, How to Run a Virtual Race: “It’s still a race, even if you don’t have a bib attached to your shirt. So do what you’d do on a more ordinary race day: Plan your nutrition and hydration, lay out your race outfit, and guilt your friends and family members into cheering for you. Once you finish (we recommend a toilet paper finish line, if possible)…celebrate your accomplishment. The race may look a bit different than expected. But miles are miles.”
Farmland Conservation 101
Featuring CFT’s Executive Director, Elisabeth Moore
If you are interested in protecting your family’s farmland, then this is your premier learning opportunity.
Join CFT’s Executive Director, Elisabeth Moore, as she presents an overview of how farmland preservation works. Through dynamic and varied examples of CFT farmland preservation projects, she will offer a look into how conservation can work for you.
What is an agricultural easement? How will I know if this is right for me and my family’s land? What is the process for protecting my land?
There will be a question-and-answer period where these, and other questions will be answered.
Ask an Expert: Webinar Series
Experts are coming to your living rooms and kitchens this spring. CFT staff and guest experts to share knowledge and learn from each other once a week, mid-May through mid-June.
This series will help land stewards gain knowledge about farmland preservation and also elevate how we think about land trusts. You can meet guests who will answer the questions, How does farmland preservation work? and What else can a land trust do in addition to protecting land?
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Free, with donations to support this work welcome.
Bring your questions! When you register for the event you can submit questions ahead of time, or submit a question during the talk.
If you want to register for all five of the Ask an Expert webinars, just email outreach@ctfarmland.org with the subject line, All Webinar Registration and you will be sent your personal Zoom links and codes.
Meet ‘n Greet Farmers Who Preserved Their Land with CFT
Kies Orr – young dairy farmer, eastern CT
Josh Bristol – young vegetable farmer, western CT
Burton Jaynes – Christmas tree farmer, central CT
These three farmers have the inside knowledge to share what it is like to preserve the farm that they own. This webinar is perfect for farmland owners who are ready to take the next step towards land conservation.
They will address questions like, Why did you do it? What was the process like? Are you glad that you did it? What did protecting your land enable you to do? What is your future plan for the farm? Find out all this and more!
Please any submit questions for the farmers ahead of time to outreach@ctfarmland.org, or during the Zoom.
Ask an Expert: Webinar Series
Experts are coming to your living rooms and kitchens this spring. CFT staff and guest experts to share knowledge and learn from each other once a week, mid-May through mid-June.
This series will help land stewards gain what they need to know about farmland preservation and also elevate how we think about land trusts. You can meet guests who will answer the questions, How does farmland preservation work? and What else can a land trust do in addition to protecting land?
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Free, with donations to support this work welcome.
Bring your questions! When you register for the event you can submit questions ahead of time, or submit a question during the talk.
If you want to register for all five of the Ask an Expert webinars, just email outreach@ctfarmland.org with the subject line, All Webinar Registration and you will be sent your personal Zoom links and codes.
Understanding Soils: A Key to Stewardship, Land Health, and Climate Resiliency
with Conservation Scientist Kip Kolesinskas
Where can you, as a farmer, landowner, or land manager go to learn about your soils and what resources exist to protect and improve them? What role do soils play in climate resiliency? Learn all about soils and soil health with Conservation Scientist Kip Kolesinskas.
Please any submit questions for the Conservation Scientist ahead of time to outreach@ctfarmland.org, or during the Zoom.
Ask an Expert: Webinar Series
Experts are coming to your living rooms and kitchens this spring. CFT staff and guest experts to share knowledge and learn from each other once a week, mid-May through mid-June.
This series will help land stewards gain what they need about farmland preservation and also elevate how we think about land trusts. You can meet guests who will answer the questions, How does farmland preservation work? and What else can a land trust do in addition to protecting land?
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Free, with donations to support this work welcome.
Bring your questions! When you register for the event you can submit questions ahead of time, or submit a question during the talk.
If you want to register for all five of the Ask an Expert webinars, just email outreach@ctfarmland.org with the subject line, All Webinar Registration and you will be sent your personal Zoom links and codes.

Catch Up With CFT:
Hear about the farms we protected while working from our dining rooms
Join us to hear about what CFT staff have done over the past year while working from home and our upcoming plans now that we are throwing open the barn doors.
We are inviting our supporters and friends to attend a virtual community update.
Director Elisabeth Moore will highlight CFT’s most compelling achievements of 2020 and 2021. She will share details and stories about key acquisitions and the work we are doing to connect new farmers to farmland. Plus, learn about our upcoming science-based work to more thoughtfully and strategically protect farmland.
This program will take place on Tuesday, June 8th, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.
This event is free and open to the public.
Click the green ticket to register.
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Public Act 490 Overview and Q & A
with Joan Nichols, Connecticut Farm Bureau Association’s Executive Director
Public Act 490: Connecticut’s Current-Use Tax Law for Farmland, Forest Land and Open Space.
Joan Nichols will present a comprehensive overview of the law, tips for applying for and maintaining the classification, and information on transferring PA 490 land.
Please any submit questions for Joan Nichols ahead of time to outreach@ctfarmland.org, or during the Zoom.
Ask an Expert: Webinar Series
Experts are coming to your living rooms and kitchens this spring. CFT staff and guest experts to share knowledge and learn from each other once a week, mid-May through mid-June.
This series will help land stewards gain what they need about farmland preservation and also elevate how we think about land trusts. You can meet guests who will answer the questions, How does farmland preservation work? and What else can a land trust do in addition to protecting land?
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Free, with donations to support this work welcome.
Bring your questions! When you register for the event you can submit questions ahead of time, or submit a question during the talk.
If you want to register for all five of the Ask an Expert webinars, just email outreach@ctfarmland.org with the subject line, All Webinar Registration and you will be sent your personal Zoom links and codes.
How Land Trusts Can Support Food Access
with Connie Manes, Executive Director to Kent Land Trust
There is huge potential for land trusts to support food access. Land trusts are naturally positioned to lead the way in increasing access to food and can make a difference for their most vulnerable neighbors. Learn about how Kent Land Trust partners with Marble Valley Farm and Kent’s Food Bank to support food access.
Please any submit questions for Connie Manes ahead of time to outreach@ctfarmland.org, or during the Zoom.
Ask an Expert: Webinar Series
Experts are coming to your living rooms and kitchens this spring. CFT staff and guest experts to share knowledge and learn from each other once a week, mid-May through mid-June.
This series will help land stewards gain what they need about farmland preservation and also elevate how we think about land trusts. You can meet guests who will answer the questions, How does farmland preservation work? and What else can a land trust do in addition to protecting land?
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Free, with donations to support this work welcome.
Bring your questions! When you register for the event you can submit questions ahead of time, or submit a question during the talk.
If you want to register for all five of the Ask an Expert webinars, just email outreach@ctfarmland.org with the subject line, All Webinar Registration and you will be sent your personal Zoom links and codes.